Tristar Maritime Logistics
Emirates Ship Investment Company

Tristar Eships is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Tristar Group

Tristar’s Maritime Logistics Gets Editor’s Choice Award

The Maritime Standard recognized the continuing ‘Safety at Sea’ initiatives of Tristar by awarding the group’s Maritime Logistics division the Editor’s Choice. It said: “The Editor’s Choice Award this year goes to the Tristar Maritime Logistics in recognition of its commitment to improving safety at sea and the mental and physical well-being of seafarers by taking various measures including an annual conference for seafarers first launched in 2019. More than 100 maritime industry professionals and 4,000 seafarers attended the last Safety At Sea Conference through live streaming from all over the world. As a follow up to the conference, Tristar organises town hall-style/online Psychological First Aid (PFA) workshops for Vessel Masters and Senior Officers in Mumbai, where senior seafarers are trained and shown how to detect symptoms of mental distress. Tristar has also established a dedicated helpline that is handled by the Sailors’ Society of the UK which all crew and their families have access to 24/7.”